You are a Badass at Making Money

Master the Mindset of Wealth

Book Written By Jen Sincero

Post by Sarah Verno

12 February 2018

“We all have seeds of unthinkable badassery inside of us.” – Jen Sinceroo

What I liked about the book: If nothing else, Jen Sincero’s book is a well-needed ego boost and reminder to stay focused and stay positive (which, let’s be real, all of us could use more of).

“Even if people think you are crazy, do whatever you choose to do with joy, gumption, and dedication so it will be your money maker and merry maker.”

What I didn’t care for:

I must admit that while the book has many inspiring points (as you’ll see below), I do not buy into the “Law of Attraction”* and am cautious of advice that relies substantially on self-manifestation. This book is saturated with one-liners and mantras that reflect this kind of mindset.

(*”Law of Attraction” = the New Thought philosophy of using the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts to materialize them into reality.)

I do believe, though, that what we think about and how we think about the world around us largely dictates how we experience life – e.g. that we are more likely to see positive things if we are committed to finding them – which is why so much of the content in this book is extremely beneficial. 


Habits and tidbits that lead to financial success:

  • Take risks
  • Stick to decisions
  • Address your fears about money
  • Set good boundaries
  • Give back
  • Work smart
  • Go to the spiritual gym
  • Delegate
  • Constantly learn
  • Stay disciplined
  • Focus
  • Practice patience
  • Surround yourself with other ass- kickers
  • Talk about ideas with other people
  • Get back up instead of giving up
  • Show up on time
  • Know what’s going on around you and what’s happening with your money
  • Have zero tolerance for negotiating with your habits
  • Stop devaluing your work**

**Especially when it comes to creative professions. Clients often don’t quite understand the amount of time, energy, and resources that go into it creative work. When you don’t charge what it’s worth (at minimum what it actually costs you to create the product), you give people an easy excuse to devalue your efforts and take advantage of you. People need to be invested in your work to rise to the occasion. “Demand people put on their big people pants and poney up,” as Jen Sincero says.

“Roll up your sleeves. Study those who have gone before you. Decide you’re unavailable to live your one and only life treating your dreams like they are not as important as your fear. Demand of yourself that you’ll figure it out and make it happen. We have, after all, figured out space travel and how to make jam out of a cactus – you can figure out how to flourish doing what you love.”

Jen Sincero

“You have to be as serious as a heart attach about creating an awesome life in order to crowbar yourself out of your comfort zone and make it happen.”

Jen Sincero

action leads to answers.

Not sure what you want to do with your life? Take action on what you do know. If there are bits and pieces that feel totally right, focus on those instead of waiting till you have the entire picture figured out. 

Stop pretending like you don’t know what you want to do when you’re really just scared to do it.

Change your habits, change your reality.

Consciously choosing what is in your mind and on your mouth will dictate your reality.

“What comes out of your mouth comes into your life.”

Jen Sincero

“Time wasted rationalizing the mediocre could be time spent creating the magnificent.”

Jen Sincero

Money gives you freedom and options.

You cannot give what you do not have. So, if you want to take care of others financially, you have to care about your own finances.

Badassery comes to those willing to take risks.

Detach from the can’ts, shouldn’ts, and wouldn’ts. Have the audacity to follow your heart instead of your fears.

When you figure out your deep seated beliefs about yourself and money, the key is to keep moving forward and not retreat into endless self analysis.

Agree to get really, really uncomfortable. Taking risks is uncomfortable. It’s a thrilling discomfort.

“Taking huge, scary leaps into the unknown is the best way to scare your BS to the surface anyway. it’s like a two for one deal – you make progress AND you unearth your shit.”

Jen Sincero

Change your habits, change your reality.

Consciously choosing what is in your mind and on your mouth will dictate your reality.

“What comes out of your mouth comes into your life.”

Jen Sincero

Your determination to make money must be bigger than your discomfort over what you have to do to make it.

Be ruthless with yourself. You don’t have to know exactly what you’re doing before you move forward. Get practiced on taking next steps. Practice. There’s as much to learn from falling on your face as hitting it out of the park.

“…Nature is forever moving, growing, changing, reproducing, evolving—it’s all the rage, even the damn Universe itself is expanding. Likewise, you are not meant to just survive, to stay stagnant, to settle; you are meant to keep growing and thrive… to reach your fullest expression of the you that is you, to inspire and birth awesomeness in others, and to use whatever resources you need along the way.”

Jen Sincero

“Vague aspirations lead to vague results. Specific aspirations lead to kicking ass.”

Jen Sincero

Be specific about what you want, and give yourself permission to go for it.

You’ve got to know what you want and why you want it to stay the course, make the mental shifts, and take the necessary risks. Be crystal clear on what the money is for, what it means to you, and how it makes you feel.

Fall in love with your vision “so it’s no match for self-limiting beliefs”. Have faith. Be grateful.

Become the grandest, most generous person possible

You are meant to thrive, and by thriving you help others to thrive.

You will be much more effective if you have the energy, options, and freedom that come from not being in financial struggle.

“Our world now more than ever needs as much generous, compassionate… people around to change this mother.”

Get caught up in your dreams, not your drama.

Investigate your BS and take steps forward. Don’t get caught in the cycle of self-help but never apply it to get somewhere.

You can have excuses or you can have success. But you can’t have both. It’s impossible to focus on one thing and see another. Getting trapped in worry keeps you from seeing other possibilities around you.

“I’m officially unavailable for any other outcome.”

Jen Sincero